Marin United Against Hate week
November 16, 2021
This is United Against Hate week. As member of Not in Our Town we would like to invite you to this week's events.UAH Events — Kreativz,…
Young people interested in firefighting can now pursue FIRE Foundry program
November 9, 2021
Applications Open for New Career Pathway Young people interested in firefighting can now pursue FIRE Foundry program San Rafael, CA –…
The Diversity Project. Journey to Increasing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in CA District Attorney Office
November 2, 2021
Journey to Increasing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in California District Attorney Offices What measures can California District…
No Charges in San Anselmo Hate Incident
November 2, 2021
Racist voicemails to town administrator didn’t meet criteria to label it a crime.Grant from the Office of Traffic Safety for Specialized DUI Prosecution Team
October 22, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE District Attorney Lori Frugoli Telephone: (415) 473-6450 Marin County District Attorney's Office Awarded Grant…